Usually I get emails from folks who are considering going into cooking, attending cooking school, or something similar. I almost always respond. Recently I received a polite request for advice from a woman hoping to become a nutritionist. Here's what I told her:
"Thanks for your email.
I would email and get in touch with folks in your area who are working on things that sound interesting. Offer to take them out for coffee or a other beverage (be sure to also try and pay for their drink!) and ask for twenty-thirty minutes of their time. I found people may be busy but are usually willing to talk about themselves and their experiences. I did this with many people and always sent a handwritten thank you note.
Also is there any sort of dietician professional trade group you can join? If so, do it. The IACP may have a branch for those in your field. Worth checking out, perhaps.
Another thing you can do is volunteer for events and things that will help build your resume. Show up early (I remember volunteering for an event and some volunteers were super late. It made them look terrible to the chefs & other folks that were there.) and offer to do dirty work such as taking out the garbage or similar tasks. Not glamorous but another way to find out how things are done.
Read the food sections of the newspapers and go to the library or subscribe to industry publications.
I can't think of anything else right now but wish you the best of luck."
I like your advice about volunteering for events to build your resume.
Posted by: HostPapa | November 09, 2011 at 08:26 PM
I have never tried sushi. But you site makes me taste it!!! I will try it out soon!!!
Posted by: Juliana | November 17, 2011 at 01:09 AM
Hey, I noticed your blog, liked some of these posts! Would you mind if we republished some of these articles in our newsletter or on our own site? It’s mainly a site for industry professionals in food/beverage, but I think a lot of them simply love every part of the world and would enjoy reading your blog. Let me know? I’ve linked to our site so you can see it.
Posted by: Neilesh Patel (Recruiter focused on Food Manufacturing Jobs) | January 12, 2012 at 02:01 AM