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Another hot & spicy food blog? This is awesome!!! Mary, your blog rocks! My other half (Linda) is quite fond of the area where you live, so she'd love to do the spicy foodie thing there at some point. About your post...we usually do hot sauce on pizza, as there are so many good choices that we have reviewed on our blog. We might need to try the peppers idea, tho. Some habanero pizza might be kinda cool.

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Mary you put the food that I called "all in one|", pizza have all the food group, milk, vegetables, meat, fluor, but if you add a little bit of jalapeno you turn this into a real hot complete food.


I think that pizza is like a food to eat sometimes, specially when you are alone in home or for a party, you know I tasted a vegetarian pizza in India, since that time I cannot stop eating that kind of pizza.


da viola pizza is one of my favorite pizzas...thanks for the recipe. Though, my favorite still remains quattro stagioni it's something about all those types of cheese that drive me crazy

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