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Mel Waechter

Hey Just wanted to let you know that Dan the Man (Daniel Billo-23 Club) is so right! He rocked NZ! I met him in sweet Queenstown and you definately have to hit up Tardies when you get to QT! Tell Craig and the gang the americans said HI! Oh and if its only the north island definately hit the east cape! Its beautiful and secluded! Definatly a must do! As well as Tongariro Crossing! Watch out for devil's staircase, but the view from the top is worth the climb! Plus you can say you climbed to Mt. Doom! Oh and Zorb in Rotorua...its about as much fun as you can get being rolled down a hill in a hamster ball! What else...um Ha Hai in Coromandel Peninsula was beautiful and snorkling in Gemstone Bay was the bomb!

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