So far, one day of having a House Husband has worked out amazingly. Oscar is cooking, shopping, and even cleaning for the next 2 weeks. He has a bunch of Chronicle vacation days to use up. It's nice having someone else do the work. I felt pampered and relaxed when I came home last night and saw his mise en place set up in the kitchen. My only job was to spin the salad with its dressing and pour us each a glass of Le Village Hard Cider.
His creative salad was from ingredients direct from the Made In France warehouse sale. It turned out to be a sort of Cobb salad, with a few things changed.
Oscar's House Husband Salad:
1 avocado, diced
1 cooked duck breast, diced, with skin** removed
1/2 bag spinach leaves, rinsed and gently dried
3-4 ounces goat cheese (Laura Chenel is good)
1 handful grapes (orange segments, or craisins would work, too)
Bleu cheese or other creamy dressing, to taste*
*A fresh citrus or other vinegarette would also brighten flavors up. We thought toasted walnuts would be good for future House Husband Salads. Bacon, too.
**Save that duck skin! Oscar wants "to cook some eggs in duck fat," a fantasy he's had ever since I told him KGO radio personality Gene Burns is known to cook his eggs in fat (but it was bacon fat, I believe. Oh well, we love both). The duck skin can easily be used to cook other savory treats.
Serve House Husband Salad immediately by candlelight, with fresh toasted bread, and apple or hard cider to drink. Politely tell the House Wife to not lick the bowl. However, she can sop things up with a piece of bread. Let the House Wife gladly clean up.